Amber Team

The Amber Group

The Amber Group was established in 2018, in order to give the student body a voice around Mental Health Awareness. It became apparent that students felt strongly about how mental health awareness was created and promoted within the school community. To this end we envisaged a student body who would be involved in deciding how we as a school community could approach mental health and that students were better placed to decide what students needed. The Amber Group aims to remove the stigma often associated with mental health and to create space where students feel safe and encouraged.

We meet once a week to have a check in with each other and organise any upcoming events. This past while during Covid 19, organising events have had to be put on hold. We hope to be back up and running in September.

In the past we have organised extended tutor, morning walks, guest speakers, 'Wear Green for Sam's', non uniform day in aid of Dublin Samaritans etc.

Follow us on Instagram @ambergroup_scoilaodhain

Amber Group.jpeg

Apr 01
Parent/Teacher Meeting (2): 6th Years
Apr 14
Easter Break
May 05
School Closed–Public Holiday
May 08
Awards Night
Our Board of Management recently approved our School Lotto. We are commencing this at an exciting time in our school community - we recently got planning permission for the school extension which is a positive step forward in our school development!
In mid September the Gaisce group ventured forth on a hike in the Dublin Mountains. The group consisted of the pupils Raymond Higgins, Ellis Murray, Alex Brady and Eoin Quill. Mr. McCormack was our Award Leader on the trip as a supervisor and everyon
St Aidan's CBS
Collins Ave, Whitehall, Dublin 9, D09XT54.
01 837 7587
© 2025 St Aidan's CBS