Mission Statement
‘Our Mission is to give students, in an atmosphere of mutual care and respect, an appreciation of life as well as the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve their full potential with others in accordance with Christian Values.’
Characteristic Spirit Statement
St. Aidan’s C.B.S. promotes the Edmund Rice Charter through nurturing faith, promoting partnership, excelling in teaching, creating community and inspiring leadership.
The characteristic spirit of our school is based on the vision and values of the E.R.S.T. Charter. This is reflected in the operations of our school. Below, we have outlined some examples of how this characteristic spirit can be identified in day to day school life.
By nurturing faith: St. Aidan’s C.B.S., in partnership with the home and the parish, is dedicated to providing and developing a Catholic education that cultivates a living faith, fosters Christian spirituality and educates people in Gospel-based values of faith in the school community.
School life: Students in our school participate in the state Religious Education programme. This is inclusive of students of all faiths and those of no faith. As a whole school, we gather together in The Church of the Holy Child to celebrate at the beginning of the school year. Events, which seek to cultivate a living faith, are also organised by the Religion Department during Catholic Schools Week.
By promoting partnership:St. Aidan’s C.B.S. recognises the importance of developing positive partnerships with parents/guardians, students and the wider community. We embody the principles of inclusiveness and mutual respect, we respect the earth, we foster a sense of belonging to parish and we promote networking.
School life: Our Parents’ Council is actively involved in school life; participating in decision making and providing support. They are also involved in specific school events such as graduation evenings. The views of students are valued and this is particularly apparent with the Students’ Council who are invited to communicate with school management. Our school has also acquired Green Flags for litter and waste, water, travel and biodiversity.
By excelling in teaching and learning: We focus on purposeful teaching and learning.We nurture the holistic development of students, recognise the uniqueness of each student, promote personal and professional development, and raise awareness of the interconnectedness of the world in which we live. St. Aidan’s CBS uses information technology with critical awareness in an ever-changing world.
School life: Our school, being cognizant of the differing needs, interests and learning styles of students, offers a broad range of subjects and promotes the use of innovative methodologies. School self-evaluation is important to our school. Teachers are encouraged to engage in a process of self-reflection with a view to improving practice to best suit our changing world. The school also supports continuous professional development so as to enhance the educational environment for both teachers and students.
By creating a caring community: St. Aidan’s C.B.S. strives to develop a sense of community. It aims to identify and serve the needs of the students through academic and extra-curricular activities. We promote care, respect, and responsibility to all those in the community. We work with local charities in an effort to promote social justice. Our school prides itself on fostering care for the environment; we seek to provide a safe and respectful environment for all partners of the school.
School life: School management, the Care Team and our Special Educational Needs department are heavily involved in organising appropriate resources, curricula and programmes to enable all students to strive towards achieving their potential. Our pastoral care systems, policies and practices seek to develop an environment that is welcoming, includes those who are marginalised, and is free from bullying and harassment. We encourage everyone to take responsibility for the upkeep of the school and the safety of students and staff; through our Green Flags team, corridor and one-way system policies.
By inspiring leadership:St. Aidan’s C.B.S. encourages ownership of the vision of the school and ensures that all members of our community share leadership roles. St. Aidan’s C.B.S. encourages the active participation of parent/guardians, students, and the wider community in leadership roles. We seek to inspire hearts and minds, raise critical consciousness and cultivate a strong work ethic coupled with an enterprising spirit.
School life: Our school management team is committed to making improvements in our school; through engagement with developments in teaching and learning, improved extra-curricular facilities and supporting innovation and change. With this commitment, leadership is often assigned, delegated, shared, or inspired in others. With regular use of classroom techniques such as assessment for learning and our pastoral care systems and guidance, we encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning, development and behaviour.